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Updated: May 15, 2022

FUCHSIA presents


Starring STEVIE as "Obsidienne"

Photography, Music and Sound Design by Aphro Oner

Concept by Stevie

Assisted by Jay Saucedo

OBSIDIENNE is a solo model multimedia project that will consist of...

1) A coffee table photo art book, printed in 2 formats, both are perfect-bound. Available thru Amazon. 2) An album/beat-tape. An original score of experimental, lo-fi instrumental Hip Hop released thru Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp and print-on-demand vinyl

3) A short-film/trailer

4) A series of art prints, available in different sizes and formats, framed and unframed.

The project as a whole will be released June, 2022.



Notes from Aphro Oner:

The OBSIDIENNE music album is going to be mostly a Jazz thing. One, because Stevie is from NOLA, the birthplace of Jazz. Two, my mom was a huge Jazz head, and this project is dedicated to her. And three, it's just where my head is at. Some Jazz Fusion boom-bap shit. It's a "lo-fi" beat tape, disguised as a film score.

Also, it fits a certain aesthetic. The images are reminiscent of 60s New Wave European films with Jazz scores, like Elevator to the Gallows, and Blow Up. But also has the feel of movies like Taxi Driver and Breakfast at Tiffany's, which happens to be one of Stevie's favorite flicks. The narrative of OBSIDIENNE is that of a young, beautiful free-spirited woman on a quest.

I think this would be a cool little project in any case, but because most of it was created during the pandemic, the riots, and other personal losses, trials and tribulations for Stevie and I, I think it carries a bit more weight. Working on this thing kept us sane through some extraordinary circumstances, and it brought us closer together in ways I didn't think was even possible. This is a document of our love for one another, our connection and our talent, and something that will survive us after we're gone.

Trailer extras: Woman in Red Room: Iza️ Woman on dancefloor: Ivy️ Stabbing victim: Jay Saucedo️ Filmed on-location in San Antonio, TX and New Orleans, LA.


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